Thursday, May 21, 2015

World of Warcraft: Linen, Wool, Silk cloth farm: Wetlands

I only farmed here for about 2 minutes just to get an idea of about how much cloth I can get per hour here, it was more than I remember but I do remember only being able to farm for maybe 10-20 minutes back before stacks were of 200, before my bags were full, and I either needed to head back to Stromwind or I needed to sell what left I can sell.

In the 2 minutes of farming I was able to gather:
Linen Cloth: 33, per hour: 1320
Wool Cloth: 42, per hour: 1660
Silk Cloth: 7, per hour: 280

The silk is a bit low but I know of a much better spot, wasn't planning on getting any silk to record, Keep in mind to these are rough calculations I do however believe they are pretty accurate. The only thing I'm weary of is the silk.

The only good Linen and Wool are used for now in order to make gold is to do shuffle. I can buy a stack of each for no more than 30-40 gold. If I was to do a shuffle than I would be able to make around 2k. My shuffle guides will be up after I get done with my cloth farms.

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