Sunday, February 28, 2016


I found this farm from the youtuber Farmguides and here is a link to his video showing more how to do this pull  At the very bottom of this post there is a screen shot showing the amount of cloth I got within an hour.

What did I do with the greens? I sent the greens over to an alt to disenchant them, there were few transmog greens in which a kept one that sold for 1k. I averaged about around 250-300 arcane dusts per hour. What did I do with the soul essences? I turned them into Bolts of soul cloth with I sold a few for 40g! I averaged around 70 soul cloth bolts an hour and what netherweave bolts I had left I turned into imbued bolts of netherweave which I can sell for 25g on my server. I averaged around 60 imbued bolts within an hour. 

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