Monday, December 7, 2015

Future Questing gold guides.

I hope to get some more screen shots up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm still working on routes that correspond with the quests in each zone. However I do I have screen shot I will be posting to get from Orgrimmar to Northern Barrens that wont have any quests. It is optional to use this route but highly advisable. Let me know what you think of the first screen shot, any thing I need to change or take out, rewording or adding a few sentences is basically what I'm looking for. I plan on doing this for both factions and each race, some races will share the same routes as some zone will be shared with factions for example I wont need to do another post for Northern Barrens for horde as each race share the same quests.

Please test my first route and let me know how well it works you!

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