Monday, June 8, 2015

Runecloth Shuffle

Go to your auction house and check the price of dream dust, if its about 1g per dust than you should be good to go, now look at the going rate for runecloth, you want to look for cloth that is being sold at no more than 30s per cloth. Once you are done crafting the bolts and saving the bolts to your liking, you will then want to craft Runecloth Belts.

You will get anywhere from 2-5 Dream Dusts per belt. Each belt will cost about 1g 20s to make meaning you will be able to profit 80s-3g per belt. You also have a chance of getting 1-3 Lesser Eternal Essences, turn all of those into Greater Eternal Essences and you should be able to profit about 5-10g per essence. They sell for about 8g on my server at the moment, I know on my old server they were worth about 20g per. Either way that is a lot of gold for little spent. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mageweave Cloth Shuffle

For this Shuffle you will want to search for the tailoring pattern White Bandits Mask on the Auction house. Every server is different and if I remember right the price range on my server is anywhere from 300-500g. I would spend even 2k on this pattern, that is how well this shuffle is.
Go to your auction house and look up the price of Vision Dust before you get started. If Vision dust sells for at least 50s than you should be able to make a really good profit off this. I am currently working on making and disenchanting 1000 White Bandit Masks Just got through 100 of them and I ended up with 263 Vision Dust. On my server the dust sells for 1g 20s each but I try to keep my dust up at around 50s each.

I try to minimize the amount of gold I spend on Mageweave due to the fact of selling the dusts for so cheap. I wouldn't spent anymore than 50s per cloth and 1g 50s per bolt. It takes four cloths to make one bolt.

With this shuffle I wouldn't recommend getting over 500 bolts just because the pattern you will be crafting it only takes one bolt so it tends to get very tedious. When you get to that point craft the Bandits Mask. When disenchanting you can get anywhere from 2-5 dusts per which is a big profit once you are all said and done.

If you don't have this pattern and no one on your server is selling it than I would resort to crafting the Black Mageweave Headband. This shuffle isn't anywhere near as good and you would want to see if the price of dream dust is about 1g on your auction house, and you would want to see if the Greater Nether Essence is at least 10g per essence, because this is where you will be making your gold with this shuffle.

Wool Cloth Shuffle; Heavy Woolen Gloves

For this shuffle you will want to buy Wool cloth from your auction house for no more than 20 silver per cloth. Wool and Linen cloth both yield strange dust so you will want to make sure strange dust is at least 1g per dust. If there are already bolts of wool cloth in your auction house, you would want to spend no more than 60 silver per bolt since it takes three cloths to make one bolt. Hold on to your bolts until get have a decent amount unless you are looking to make a quick profit.
Once you are done crafting your cloth into bolts you will then want to craft Heavy Woolen Gloves. then disenchant them. Each glove should give you around 2-3 strange dust giving a profit of about 1g and 50s per glove, giving the total cost of the gloves 60s. You also have a chance of getting Small Glimmering Shares which are worthless on my server and 1-2 Greater Magic Essences which are wroth about 4g per on my server. 

Linen Cloth Shuffle

First things first, check you auction house and see what the current price is for strange dust if it's about 1g 50s per dust than you would want to check and see what the going rate of linen cloth is, I generally like to keep it around 10-15s per cloth. It takes two cloth to make one bolt meaning you can buy bolts at around 20-30s each if they ever get low enough in your auction house.

From there it is all up to you rather you want to save the cloth you buy until you get a large some of bolts taking up space in your inventory or if you want to go ahead and start the shuffle. Personally I like holding onto the cloth until a get a bit just because I don't like posting in small amounts. Depending on how much dust I have I will typically post in stacks of 5 which I'm changing to 20 here after a finish my large shuffle of many different types of cloth >.<.

Okay so whenever you are ready to begin your tedious ways of gold making you will want to craft Brown Linen Pants which takes two bolts and one coarse thread to make after your inventory is full or once you are done crafting you will want to begin disenchanting which I use Trade skill master for destroying and mailbox... Haven't figured out how to use it for posting yet, I use auctioner at the moment for prices. Any gear you craft with linen only yield you about 1-2 dusts per and same with the essences.

The Total amount of gold you spend though to make these is 60s which your profit would be around 40s-2g. It's a small profit but its a profit. 

Understanding the Difference Between Flips and Shuffles

To some these may be the same thing because you are buying something from the auction house for cheap and turning it around into maximum profit. I will be honest I do feel they are the same myself. A shuffle though is a term I would have to say is used as a certain type of flip. What you do with a shuffle is you buy any kind of profession materials, use the profession you bought the materials for and turn it into a piece of gear to either sell it a gear, or disenchant it and for ores and herbs you can prospect or mill the herbs and find what is best to do from there. I am currently doing a cloth shuffle with just about every cloth. It is by far one of my favorite ways to make gold as on my server I can easily triple my gold spent in materials. I will try to work on a few of those guides today. A flip though is just where you buy something under its market value and repost it at its market value.
Sorry I don't have routes to many of these guides yet. I have been a bit busy with my Lorekeeper's Inn stories along with work and my brothers graduation. I'm not sure if I will worry to muck about these routes just because they aren't known to be farmed in. If you test any of the zones without a route and feel I should add a route to it let me know in the comments.