Monday, June 8, 2015

Runecloth Shuffle

Go to your auction house and check the price of dream dust, if its about 1g per dust than you should be good to go, now look at the going rate for runecloth, you want to look for cloth that is being sold at no more than 30s per cloth. Once you are done crafting the bolts and saving the bolts to your liking, you will then want to craft Runecloth Belts.

You will get anywhere from 2-5 Dream Dusts per belt. Each belt will cost about 1g 20s to make meaning you will be able to profit 80s-3g per belt. You also have a chance of getting 1-3 Lesser Eternal Essences, turn all of those into Greater Eternal Essences and you should be able to profit about 5-10g per essence. They sell for about 8g on my server at the moment, I know on my old server they were worth about 20g per. Either way that is a lot of gold for little spent. 

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