Sunday, June 7, 2015

Understanding the Difference Between Flips and Shuffles

To some these may be the same thing because you are buying something from the auction house for cheap and turning it around into maximum profit. I will be honest I do feel they are the same myself. A shuffle though is a term I would have to say is used as a certain type of flip. What you do with a shuffle is you buy any kind of profession materials, use the profession you bought the materials for and turn it into a piece of gear to either sell it a gear, or disenchant it and for ores and herbs you can prospect or mill the herbs and find what is best to do from there. I am currently doing a cloth shuffle with just about every cloth. It is by far one of my favorite ways to make gold as on my server I can easily triple my gold spent in materials. I will try to work on a few of those guides today. A flip though is just where you buy something under its market value and repost it at its market value.

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