Thursday, June 9, 2016


     I have switched to using wordpress instead of blogger, the platform seems to be easier for my viewers. You can find my old and now new guides over at

Friday, June 3, 2016

Primal Water Part 2

For this head to Nagrand and be sure to have your secondary skill fishing! You will need to hop servers once you finish the route, but it's worth it in the end. What a peaceful way to farm for motes of water.
You will be looking to fish from ""Pure Water" Nods that replace other schools of fish. If you want you can fish everything, but the pure water is what hands out the motes. as you can see within 10 minutes I was able to gather 24 motes of water, meaning around 10-20 primal water per hour. It's not the best but it is peaceful. 

Primal Life Part 3

To get here, go to Zangarmarsh and head to the center of the map, there you will find pipes of some sort sticking out of the water. If you go in the middle of them there will be a small tunnel that leads to a raid and a few dungeons. Once you get here head to The Underbog!
This run is fairly simple. You can run it on heroic which is what I did, because all you do is pull the first room of mobs. Don't worry about heading up because then it's just a waste of time.
9 minutes of farming gave me 50 motes! Which is 30 primals per hour, along with some nice rep and if you are an herbalist or Skinner this is the place for you. 

Primal Shadow Part 3

For this farm, you will want to head to Terokkar Forest, and enter the Ring of Observance. You will want the northern portal Mana Tombs.

I wasn't to fond of this location, but for those who enjoy farming dungeons this may be for you. One run took a little under 4 minutes and I was able to get 7 motes of shadow, with there being a 10 run limit, you can only get around 5-10 primals per lockout. 

Primal Shadow Part 2

This spot again, is located in Nagrand, around the Windyreed Village.
Primal Shadows sell for around 300 gold per primal on my server and I was able to get 2 of them withing 10 minutes of testing this spot. That means this spot get grant you around 3-4k gold per hour! 

Primal Air Part 3

This is different from my other mote farming locations. Instead of being in one spot, using a server hopping addon. I decided to try and make a route. This route is in Nagrand and works really well for those who have the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor.
After farming this route for 10 minutes and seeing all the clouds I couldn't loot. I decide to get an engineer to test this spot and the results were much grater! Still this spot isn't bad because you should average around anywhere from 6-15 primals per hour. 

Primal Fire part 4

I had forgotten a few screenshots but within 5 minutes I was able to get 21 Motes of fire. This location is in Blasted Lands at Skaid. You should be able to get around 20-30 Primals per hour which on my server is around 4-6k gold per hour. The spawn rate here is decent but hoping servers gives you the best results.

Primal Fire, Air, and Water Part 1

Yes, I know what you are all probably thinking, why make another post over something you have 3 posts over already? Well I tend to be overly organized and it just didn't fit right if I just made one big post. This is located in Nagrand, just locate yourself near my marker on the map, and you should find elemental mobs. Use any addon that allows you to hop servers and you are ready!
This was already one of my favorite spots for just one type of element. But put all three together, what kind of gold will this farm yield? In this screenshot you can see I get 10 motes of air, 11 motes of water, and 24 motes of fire. All in 10 minutes! Primal air sells for 300g per, Water sells for 50-100g per, and fire sells for around 200g per. In 10 minutes I was able to get a roughly 700 gold so 4200 per hour! It may not be the best, but I see these primals only going up in price. 

Primal Life Part 2

I know it's hard to tell but this location is in Zangarmash in the top right corner of the map, where it's all brown (The Dead Mine) Server hopping would help refresh the mobs, but the spawn rate is fast enough there should always be a few up.
You could increase your profit here if you came as a herbalist, but you don't need one to use this farm. I didn't see a huge difference while I "skinned" the mobs, so I didn't use that option myself.
As you can see within five minutes I was able to gather 14 motes, so ten minutes would have been close to 30 motes and in an hour that's would be close to 15 primals. This primal only sells for around 50 gold each on my server. They have a few uses but I decided to just hold onto mine while I wait for the next expansion. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Primal Water Part 1

In my last 2 posts I covered this same location only for both air and fire, but not water. Well here it is! Primal water out of the 3 motes you can farm in this location isn't worth as much, but can still be used for transmog.
Again like the last 2 a way to switch servers is needed to farm for an hour. I'm not big on farms that require you to switch, but that's what gathering data is all about!
In a little over 10 minutes of farming I was able to collect 47 motes. each primal is worth around 60 gold each. I don't remember fishing in the ponds, but if you do your numbers could possibly go up. Within an hour, it's not a lot but anywhere from 1000-2000 gold. If you are like me and like to sell several different types of materials on the auction house, this wouldn't be bad to farm, or if you are just needing a way to get primal water here it is. 

Primal Fire Part 3

Just like in my Primal Air Part 2 farm, this location is to the right of Throne of the Elements. If you have a hard time finding it try your best to get to where my pointer is for my character shown in the screenshot.
Again you will need to use an addon that helps with changing servers, I highly recommend server hop, but others are fine too as long as they do what they need to.
A little under 10 minutes I was able to get (I know it's hard to see) 45 motes of fire, or 4 primal fire. This primal averages anywhere from 150 gold to 210 gold per on my server. An hours worth of farming at those prices can get you 3500 - 6000 gold per hour, depending on how many you get and about what the price is at the time of posting them. Either way, this isn't a bad way to make a bit of gold. It's not the best, but not many people settle under 5-10k gold per hour leaving an open market on some materials.

Primal Air part 2

This spot is located in Nagrand near the Throne of the Elements. There are water and fire elements up here aside from the air elements, but for this post I will focus on primal Air.
Within a little under 8 minutes of farming, I can't remember why I choose to only farm for 8 minutes but I was able to loot 19 motes of air. Farming this, using a server hopping addon for an hour will get you roughly 142 motes, or 14 primal air. On my server they sell for about 300 gold each so a little over 5k per hour!

Primal Shadow Part 1

The Void Ridge, located in Hellfire Peninsula is one of few locations to gather motes of shadow, which can be used for a various amount of transmog items. I choose to farm for 10 minutes as I had several other locations I needed to test and collect data. Within the 10 minutes I was able to get enough motes to make 3 primal shadow, which I can get about 150 gold per on my server. an hours worth of farming should get you around 15-20 primals and at 150 gold per, that's around 2250-3000 gold per hour. Which really isn't bad.

Savage Leather

Always wonder where to farm a decent amount of Savage leather? Well you are in luck. Zul'Gurub, better known as "ZG" is probably my favorite place to farm Savage leather. Not only is this a good place to farm the leather, but it is also one of the best spots to level your skinning up! It took me only a few runs to get my skinning as high as you possibly can from skinning these mobs. Okay so now you are probably wondering what mobs are you skinning that makes you think this is a good spot? Well let me tell you.
Skipping all bosses, you want to jump into the water, druids have it easy with their water form, though other classes are able to run this. Try to get ever mob that's in the water. There are a few locations where crocks are on the land, try to pull those as well. You can pull the whole mote of mobs, but I find it best to split them into two groups. Pulling them all will only leave you with disappearing corpses.
It's been a while since I've taking this screenshot, but if I'm correct this was only a few runs worth. It actually looks like one. This screen shot shows I have 318 savage leather and the next shows I have 372. With mobs still needing to be skinned. You can get roughly 70 savage leather per group, two groups means 140 savage leather per run. Running this route for an hour will get you close to 1400 savage leather per hour! There are a few ways to make gold from this that I will be adding hopefully soon.

Leaping Hatchling

The leaping hatchling is easily obtainable by horde players, being how close it is to their starting zone. You can fin this pet up along the cliff side, hiding in the trees on the right side of the map. The mountain terrain beneath The Sludge Fen. This pet sells for 157 gold, and with the help of a server hoping addon you can find yourself making  easy gold.

Darting Hatchling

Ah yes, the Darting hatchling. This nest of the four (I think there are only four) is my least favorite to farm for ironically. The nest you can find in Un'goro Crater is harder to find, yet more enjoyable than this one. The nest has a few different spots it can spawn within the vicinity. What makes this a tedious find, is there are other non lootable nests hidden making it seem you hit the jackpot. This pet on my server is worth 357 gold, which in my opinion is pretty good. Set up some peaceful music and server hop to gather this pet. You can find this location just to the right of Blackhoof Village.

Razormaw hatchling

The Razormaw Hatchling can be looted from a nest inside a cave located in Westfall. Raptor Ridge is in the top right side of the map.  On my server this pet sells for a measly 136 gold, but with the help of cross realm assist or realm hop, you can easily turn this into a short 5-10 minute farm and getting anywhere from 136- a few thousand gold. Be sure to kill the rare as well, being that you may get lucky with transmog drops ;).

Mr. Grubs

This location is located in Eastern Plaguelands at Death's Step
Within an hour worth of farming, you can see that I was able to get: 511 silk cloth, 61 Mageweave, 6 greens, 1 epic, and 5 Mr. Grubs.
To get Mr Grubs, he wont drop from the mobs here, but he will drop from a hidden stashes. To get these you need a buff you can get from the quest giver in the beginning of the zone. Don't worry if you choose something else because you can change it anytime you like. The buff you are looking for is, Fiona's Lucky Charm.
The reason this location is good for these stashes is because the mobs are set on a force respawn, there should always be 2-3 groups up, no matter how many people are farming! Within the hour I was able to get 4k not including the transmog

Silk Cloth

I farmed in Death's Stop for an hour, farming for Mr. Grubs when it turns out the pet isn't the only good thing to farm here. Within the hour I was able to obtain 511 silk cloth which may not be the best but it adds on to your gold per hour while farming for Mr. Grubs. I was also able to get a few transmog items worth more than 300g each.