Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Primal Water Part 1

In my last 2 posts I covered this same location only for both air and fire, but not water. Well here it is! Primal water out of the 3 motes you can farm in this location isn't worth as much, but can still be used for transmog.
Again like the last 2 a way to switch servers is needed to farm for an hour. I'm not big on farms that require you to switch, but that's what gathering data is all about!
In a little over 10 minutes of farming I was able to collect 47 motes. each primal is worth around 60 gold each. I don't remember fishing in the ponds, but if you do your numbers could possibly go up. Within an hour, it's not a lot but anywhere from 1000-2000 gold. If you are like me and like to sell several different types of materials on the auction house, this wouldn't be bad to farm, or if you are just needing a way to get primal water here it is. 

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