Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Primal Fire Part 3

Just like in my Primal Air Part 2 farm, this location is to the right of Throne of the Elements. If you have a hard time finding it try your best to get to where my pointer is for my character shown in the screenshot.
Again you will need to use an addon that helps with changing servers, I highly recommend server hop, but others are fine too as long as they do what they need to.
A little under 10 minutes I was able to get (I know it's hard to see) 45 motes of fire, or 4 primal fire. This primal averages anywhere from 150 gold to 210 gold per on my server. An hours worth of farming at those prices can get you 3500 - 6000 gold per hour, depending on how many you get and about what the price is at the time of posting them. Either way, this isn't a bad way to make a bit of gold. It's not the best, but not many people settle under 5-10k gold per hour leaving an open market on some materials.

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