Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Keeping up to date

     Sorry for the delay in getting the next part to my questing guide out. I have been busy with work, and other social events. I do have up to Duskwallow Marsh complete for the guide I just need to type the posts out. I'm hoping to get to around level 60 than start working on other starting zones, and possibly start the questing guide for the Alliance. Please do share with your friends if you enjoy these so far!
     I have made up to 700 gold on my level 41 Shaman, the character I'm using to find the best routes and what all the quests are. And I have made 800 gold on my level 31 Paladin, which is the character I have been using to test the guides to make sure the quests are numbered right and the routes flow perfectly.
     At this rate I do believe I will have close to 2-3k gold on each character before I hit outlands. Once I hit outlands, I have some good routes for mining I will be glad to share, I have them posted on my Youtube channel, but I believe I enjoy blogging more than I do making videos.
     I am hopeful to find routes in every zone that are good for both mining and herbalism, maybe even skinning for those who enjoy skinning! Hope everyone has a fantastic day, and a wonderful gold making experience! Plan to see another guide out sometime around the weekend or early next week :).   

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Horde- Questing Gold Guide- Ashenvale-Level 21-26


Add-on's: You don't have to use any of these, they are just what I use.
     1. Auctioneer
     2. Routes
     3. Gatherer

       Empty Quivers
       Find Gorat
       Mor'shan Defense
       Rescue The Fallen
       Final Report
     1. To Dinah, at Once  
     2. Got Wood? (If quest doesn't work, abandon it and re-accept) 
     3. Gorat's Vengeance  
     4. Management Material 
     5. Needs a Little Lubrication  
       Sharptalon's Claw (Kill Sharptalon while doing #5 to get quest) 
     6. Crisis At Splintertree 
     7. To the Rescue
     8. Blood of The Weak
     9. Ashevnale Outrunners
     10. Destroy the Legion 
     11. Pierce Their Heart
     12. Dead Elves Walking
     13. Playing with Felfire
     14. Tell No One 
     15. Dirty Deeds
     16. Wet Work
     17. Making Stumps 
     18. As Good As It Gets 
     19. Security 
     20. Sheelah's Last Wish

Mobs To Loot:
        Ashenvale Bowmen 
        Ashenvale Skirmisher
        Severed Keeper
        Severed Druid
         Ashenvale Scout (There my be more mobs in this location, be sure to look other Ashenvale mobs if so)

Rares: Be sure to kill any rares while questing!

       1. Mageroyal
       2. Briarthorn
       3. Swiftthistle 
       4. Bruiseweed
       5. Wild Steedbloom Petal
       6. Gromsblood Leaf
     Ores and Stones:
       1. Tin Ore
       2. Copper Ore
       3. Course Stone
       4. Rough Stone

       1. Linen Cloth
       2. Wool Cloth
       3. Silk Cloth


Looting Information: Are you getting a bunch of items that keep clogging up your bags?

When your bags are full, delete any gray items or soulbound gear by dragging the item out of your inventory and clicking anywhere on the screen. A box will appear asking if you want to delete the item you wish to get ride of. If possible sell the items before you do this step as we will gain a bit of money this way.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Horde -Questing Gold Guide -Northern Barrens- Level 13-21

Tauren Questing Gold Guide- Mining and Herbalism - Mulgore  

     Once you have completed all the quests listed off for Mulgore, head to Orgrimmar, set your hearth and follow the custom route to get to Northern Barrens. This route isn't very big but it should yield you around 25 gold depending on the amount of people coursing through that area.

Northern Barrens

Add-on's: You don't have to use any of these, they are just what I use.
     1. Auctioneer
     2. Routes
     3. Gatherer

     1. Through Fire and Flames
     2. In Defense of Far Watch
     3. Plainstrider Menace 
     4. The Watch For Offence 
     5. Supplies For the Crossroad 
     6. Crossroad Caravan Pickup
     7. The Grol'dom Milita
     8. Consumed By Hatred
     9. Drag It Out Of Them
     10. By Hook or By Crook
     11. Grol'gom's Missing Kodo
     12. The Tortusk Takedown
     13. Animal Services 
     14. The Kodo's Return
       Hunting the Huntress (Do while working on #'s 16-17)
       The Zhevra  (Do while working on #'s 16-17)
     15. Crossroad Caravan Delivery       
     16. The Forgotten Pool's 
     17. Fungal Spores
     18. A Little Diversion 
     19. Kolkar Leaders
     20. Echeyakee
     21. A Growing Problem
     22. Into the Raptors Den (Turn in after finishing #'s 23-27)
       Altered Beings (Do while working on #'s 24-26)
     23. The Strange Oasis
     24. In Fungus We Trust
     25. King of Centaur Mountain 
     26. Flushing Out Verog (Check hut's for quest item)
     27. Verog the Dervish 
     28. Deathgate's Reinforcements 
     29. Hezrul Bloodmark
       Centaur Bracers (Do while working on # 29)
     30. Counterattack (After this follow the route up north, collect nodes on your way)
     31. Harpy Lieutenants 
     32. Harpy Raiders
     33. Serena Bloodfeather
     34. Report to Thok (Take route in Forgotten Pool's)
     35. Mor'shan Caravan Pickup
     36. Mor'shan Caravan Rescue
     37. Demon Seed
     38. Mor'shan Caravan Delivery 

Mobs to Loot: Main Loot to look for, Linen Cloth and some Wool Cloth
       Razormane Hunter
       Razormane Plunderer
       Razormane Defender
       Razormane Thornweaver
       Razormane Geomancer
       Razormane Frenzy
       Razormane Pillager
       Kolkar Stormer
       Kolkar Wrangler
       Kolkar Blood Charger
       Kolkar Marauder
       Kolkar Stormseer
       Witchwing Rougefeather
       Witchwing Wind Caller
       Burning Blade Bruiser
       Burning Blade Acolyte

Rares: Be sure to be on the lookout for rares!

Materials: Save these for the Auction house!
      1. Silverleaf
      2. Peacebloom
      3. Earth Root
      4. Mageroyal
      5. Briarthorn 
      6. Swiftthistle
    Ores and Stones:
      1. Copper Ore
      2. Rough Stone
      3. Tin Ore
      4. Course Stone
      1. Linen Cloth
      2. Wool Cloth

Linen ClothWool Cloth

Looting Information: Are you getting a bunch of items that keep clogging up your bags? 

     When your bags are full, delete any gray items or soulbound gear by dragging the item out of your inventory and clicking anywhere on the screen. A box will appear asking if you want to delete the item you wish to get ride of. If possible sell the items before you do this step as we will gain a bit of money this way.
     Save the small amount of silver or gold you may have and buy four 8 slot bags, or if you happen to have the money buy as many of the 10 slot bags first than finish buying 8 slot bags. Either way you will want a total of four new bags.

     You can buy these bags in Northern Barrens while you are doing the quests at Crossroads

     What to do with other bind on equip gear? There are a few different options for this, how ever I wouldn't recommend deleting or vending these items because you are bound to make a little bit more from posting them on the Auction house or disenchanting them.
     I would recommend searching the auction house try and find ones the are selling and post those. If they don't sell or you don't see any on the auction house than I would make an alt and get enchanting on it so you can disenchant the greens.
     You may want to level up your character with enchanting before you start alts so that way your enchanting will be high enough to disenchant almost anything.   

Monday, December 7, 2015

Future Questing gold guides.

I hope to get some more screen shots up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm still working on routes that correspond with the quests in each zone. However I do I have screen shot I will be posting to get from Orgrimmar to Northern Barrens that wont have any quests. It is optional to use this route but highly advisable. Let me know what you think of the first screen shot, any thing I need to change or take out, rewording or adding a few sentences is basically what I'm looking for. I plan on doing this for both factions and each race, some races will share the same routes as some zone will be shared with factions for example I wont need to do another post for Northern Barrens for horde as each race share the same quests.

Please test my first route and let me know how well it works you!

Tauren Questing Gold Guide- Mining and Herbalism - Mulgore

What to do:  Pick up herbalism and mining than you are ready to start.

Quests: Do these in order and follow the routes to obtain materials to sell on the Auction house.
     1. Sharing the Land
     2. Dangers of Windfury
     3. Morin Cloudstalker
      Mazzranche (Do while heading to #2)
      Swoop Hunting (Do while heading to #2)
      Poison Water (Do while heading to #2)
     4. The Ranged Cavern
     5. Supervisor Fizsprocket
     6. The Venture Co.  
     7. Kyle's gone Missing (Complete while turning in quests.)
     8. Winterhoof Cleansing (No route for nodes, gather if you pass any)
     9. The Restless Earth
     10. Thunderhorn Totem
     11. Thunderhorn Cleansing
     12. Rite of Vision
     13. Rite of Wisdom
     14. A Sacred Burial
     The Hunters Way (Do while working on #'s 12-14)
     Wildmane Totem (Do while working on #'s 12-14)
     15. Wildmane Cleansing

Mobs to Loot: Main item to loot, Linen Cloth
       Palemane Tanner
       Palemane Skinner
      Venture Co. Worker
      Venture Co. Supervisor
      Venture Co. Taskmaster
      Venture Co. Laborer
      Grimtotem Straggler
      Grimtotem Defiler
      Grimtotem Vagubend  
      Windfury Harpy
      Windfury Wind Witch
      Battleback Interloper
      Windfury Sorceress
      Windfury Matriarch    

Rares: Be sure to be on the look out for rares while you quest!

Materials: Save these to add to the Auction house!
     1. Silverleaf
     2. Peacebloom
     3. Earth Root
   Ores and Stones: 
     1. Copper Ore
     2. Rough Stone
     1. Linen Cloth
You have two choices with the linen cloth, you can either save it and send it to an alt you plan on leveling and go enchanting on it than use the Linen Cloth Shuffle. If you don't want to do that or don't plan on leveling an enchanter that you can sell it on the Auction house for a decent amount of gold.

Profession Giver:  If you don't already know where the profession giver is, find a guard and he will surely tell you!

New Guides Coming.

Sorry for the long pause in content. I'v been very busy managing other blogs and work. Don't worry though, I haven't forgotten about this blog. Currently the guides I have lined up for the near futures are easy to get pet guides, hopefully finishing up my tailoring shuffle guides and than my newest one, the one I will be focusing on now will be a guide to make gold and level up at a normal speed from questing for possible new server characters. I have level 1 character to 32, 4 level 24 characters, each character ended up netting roughly 500+ gold each, and they aren't even 40 yet. Hopefully these guides are as helpful for you as they are me. Have a wonderful gold making experience! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Runecloth Shuffle

Go to your auction house and check the price of dream dust, if its about 1g per dust than you should be good to go, now look at the going rate for runecloth, you want to look for cloth that is being sold at no more than 30s per cloth. Once you are done crafting the bolts and saving the bolts to your liking, you will then want to craft Runecloth Belts.

You will get anywhere from 2-5 Dream Dusts per belt. Each belt will cost about 1g 20s to make meaning you will be able to profit 80s-3g per belt. You also have a chance of getting 1-3 Lesser Eternal Essences, turn all of those into Greater Eternal Essences and you should be able to profit about 5-10g per essence. They sell for about 8g on my server at the moment, I know on my old server they were worth about 20g per. Either way that is a lot of gold for little spent. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mageweave Cloth Shuffle

For this Shuffle you will want to search for the tailoring pattern White Bandits Mask on the Auction house. Every server is different and if I remember right the price range on my server is anywhere from 300-500g. I would spend even 2k on this pattern, that is how well this shuffle is.
Go to your auction house and look up the price of Vision Dust before you get started. If Vision dust sells for at least 50s than you should be able to make a really good profit off this. I am currently working on making and disenchanting 1000 White Bandit Masks Just got through 100 of them and I ended up with 263 Vision Dust. On my server the dust sells for 1g 20s each but I try to keep my dust up at around 50s each.

I try to minimize the amount of gold I spend on Mageweave due to the fact of selling the dusts for so cheap. I wouldn't spent anymore than 50s per cloth and 1g 50s per bolt. It takes four cloths to make one bolt.

With this shuffle I wouldn't recommend getting over 500 bolts just because the pattern you will be crafting it only takes one bolt so it tends to get very tedious. When you get to that point craft the Bandits Mask. When disenchanting you can get anywhere from 2-5 dusts per which is a big profit once you are all said and done.

If you don't have this pattern and no one on your server is selling it than I would resort to crafting the Black Mageweave Headband. This shuffle isn't anywhere near as good and you would want to see if the price of dream dust is about 1g on your auction house, and you would want to see if the Greater Nether Essence is at least 10g per essence, because this is where you will be making your gold with this shuffle.

Wool Cloth Shuffle; Heavy Woolen Gloves

For this shuffle you will want to buy Wool cloth from your auction house for no more than 20 silver per cloth. Wool and Linen cloth both yield strange dust so you will want to make sure strange dust is at least 1g per dust. If there are already bolts of wool cloth in your auction house, you would want to spend no more than 60 silver per bolt since it takes three cloths to make one bolt. Hold on to your bolts until get have a decent amount unless you are looking to make a quick profit.
Once you are done crafting your cloth into bolts you will then want to craft Heavy Woolen Gloves. then disenchant them. Each glove should give you around 2-3 strange dust giving a profit of about 1g and 50s per glove, giving the total cost of the gloves 60s. You also have a chance of getting Small Glimmering Shares which are worthless on my server and 1-2 Greater Magic Essences which are wroth about 4g per on my server. 

Linen Cloth Shuffle

First things first, check you auction house and see what the current price is for strange dust if it's about 1g 50s per dust than you would want to check and see what the going rate of linen cloth is, I generally like to keep it around 10-15s per cloth. It takes two cloth to make one bolt meaning you can buy bolts at around 20-30s each if they ever get low enough in your auction house.

From there it is all up to you rather you want to save the cloth you buy until you get a large some of bolts taking up space in your inventory or if you want to go ahead and start the shuffle. Personally I like holding onto the cloth until a get a bit just because I don't like posting in small amounts. Depending on how much dust I have I will typically post in stacks of 5 which I'm changing to 20 here after a finish my large shuffle of many different types of cloth >.<.

Okay so whenever you are ready to begin your tedious ways of gold making you will want to craft Brown Linen Pants which takes two bolts and one coarse thread to make after your inventory is full or once you are done crafting you will want to begin disenchanting which I use Trade skill master for destroying and mailbox... Haven't figured out how to use it for posting yet, I use auctioner at the moment for prices. Any gear you craft with linen only yield you about 1-2 dusts per and same with the essences.

The Total amount of gold you spend though to make these is 60s which your profit would be around 40s-2g. It's a small profit but its a profit. 

Understanding the Difference Between Flips and Shuffles

To some these may be the same thing because you are buying something from the auction house for cheap and turning it around into maximum profit. I will be honest I do feel they are the same myself. A shuffle though is a term I would have to say is used as a certain type of flip. What you do with a shuffle is you buy any kind of profession materials, use the profession you bought the materials for and turn it into a piece of gear to either sell it a gear, or disenchant it and for ores and herbs you can prospect or mill the herbs and find what is best to do from there. I am currently doing a cloth shuffle with just about every cloth. It is by far one of my favorite ways to make gold as on my server I can easily triple my gold spent in materials. I will try to work on a few of those guides today. A flip though is just where you buy something under its market value and repost it at its market value.
Sorry I don't have routes to many of these guides yet. I have been a bit busy with my Lorekeeper's Inn stories along with work and my brothers graduation. I'm not sure if I will worry to muck about these routes just because they aren't known to be farmed in. If you test any of the zones without a route and feel I should add a route to it let me know in the comments. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

World of Warcraft: Linen, Wool, Silk cloth farm: Wetlands

I only farmed here for about 2 minutes just to get an idea of about how much cloth I can get per hour here, it was more than I remember but I do remember only being able to farm for maybe 10-20 minutes back before stacks were of 200, before my bags were full, and I either needed to head back to Stromwind or I needed to sell what left I can sell.

In the 2 minutes of farming I was able to gather:
Linen Cloth: 33, per hour: 1320
Wool Cloth: 42, per hour: 1660
Silk Cloth: 7, per hour: 280

The silk is a bit low but I know of a much better spot, wasn't planning on getting any silk to record, Keep in mind to these are rough calculations I do however believe they are pretty accurate. The only thing I'm weary of is the silk.

The only good Linen and Wool are used for now in order to make gold is to do shuffle. I can buy a stack of each for no more than 30-40 gold. If I was to do a shuffle than I would be able to make around 2k. My shuffle guides will be up after I get done with my cloth farms.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Upcoming posts

Sorry for the delay in Posts, I am currently working on getting over a double ear infection which left me in one spot for five days. I am feeling much better, but not well enough to stress about posts. I think I may take a break on my mining routes and show everyone my cloth farming spots, which will get 600 tailoring in about five hours. All depends on how luck you get and how fast of a farmer you you. The longest part though, is crafting everything... Don't forget always get disenchanting as your second profession if you get tailoring. Shuffles will soon by up too, what prices to look for in which cloth and when to lower the price of dusts.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

World of Warcraft: Tin Ore: Ghostlands

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Northern Barrens

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Eversong Woods

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Elwynn Forest

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Dun Morogh

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Azuremyst Isle

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Mulgore

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Durotar

The "X"'s are caves you can go into if you would like, I normally have a lot better luck with the caves but sometimes I get a bit lazy and want to skip them.

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Tirisfal Glades

The red line is just a short route that can be taken. This is one of my old favorite places to farm copper. Brings back so many memories just looking at the route.

About this Blog

Hello everyone! I just wanted to inform you all that these guides aren't all about how to make "fast" money in World of Warcraft. Anything you farm or try to sell is fast money, it just might not be in large quantities like everyone seems to like. I have farmed for hours to only maybe maybe 500-1k gold before, but that hasn't stopped me from farming.
There are multiple ways to make gold, some less than others, but there are people who need all sorts of different materials, even ones that aren't farmed due to the gold rate... (Price inflation helps depending on what it is you are selling.)
There will be posts on where to get everything! Meaning several posts most wont like because it doesn't yield enough material to make them over 3k an hour :(.

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Bloodmyst Isle

I have not used this place to farm while level 100, however, I do know I was able to get a bunch of ore while leveling up a character here before.

World of Warcraft: Copper Ore: Darkshore

This is by far the best place I have ever farmed Copper Ore, I don't have an exact route that is how fast the ore spawns in some of the spots, I normally go from top to bottom but every now and than I see myself going from side to side. I am able to get over a stack of 200 ore in 10 minutes. On my server, Copper ore is selling for 1g per ore so I am able to make about 1,5k per hour, which isn't to bad. I use the ores for something else, later on there will be a guide for that as well.